―卓越研究員事業― 共同獣医学科 助教(テニュアトラック) 公募のお知らせ
植物生命科学科 第11回植物生命科学セミナーのご案内(5月23日)
内容: Cellulose synthase isoforms: Unity and diversity Prof. Tobias I. Baskin(University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA)
日時: 2018年5月23日(水) 16:30~18:00
場所: 総合教育研究棟(生命系)1階 遠隔講義室(生命系スペースC)
要旨: Despite its importance for the plant and for humanity, cellulose is synthesized by a process that remains enigmatic. Cellulose appears to be synthesized by a trio of enzymes in the CESA family. However the distinctions, if any, among members of the trio are poorly understood. Is it three-pianos or piano, violin, and cello? We have taken CESA trio members from the model grass species, Brachypodium distachyon, and expressed them in the putatively orthologous mutant background in Arabidopsis thaliana. In general, the mutant phenotype is complemented, confirming ortholog status and consistent with functional divergence among trio members. In addition, we imaged the speed of CESA complex motion in the B. distachyon mesocotyl and find it to be indistinguishable from that seen in the A. thaliana hypocotyl. Finally, we imaged the cell wall of fibers in A. thaliana plants where each one of the trio members is replaced by a catalytically inactive version (in the null background for that member). Cell wall structure in each replacement is distinct, revealing that cellulose can be synthesized by just two active members of the trio, and further supporting the idea that each CESA trio member is distinct functionally (piano, violin, and cello).
マサチューセッツ大学・Tobias Baskin 教授に植物の基本的な生物学的プロセスであるセルロース合成のメカニズムについてお話しいただきます。多くのみなさまのご参加をお待ちしています。
(問合せ:農学部植物生命科学科 植物生理学分野 Abidur Rahman e-mail: abidur@iwate-u.ac.jp)
「フィールドセミナー 春の植物観察会」のご案内(6月3日)
○日 時:平成30年6月3日(日)10:00~12:30
○場 所:岩手大学農学部附属寒冷フィールドサイエンス教育研究センター 滝沢演習林 ※10時滝沢演習林庁舎前集合
(住所:岩手県滝沢市楢の木沢80 TEL:019-688-4101)
○講 師:伊藤 勲 氏(元岩手大学農学部演習林職員)
○対 象:市民一般、親子(※基本的には小学生以上)
○参 加 費:無 料
○服 装 等:森林散策に馴染む服装、小雨決行(雨具持参)
岩手大学 三陸復興・地域創生推進機構/地域連携・COC推進課
TEL:019-621-6492 FAX:019-621-6493 メール:renkei@iwate-u.ac.jp
ハンガリー科学アカデミー農業研究センターのGabor Galiba教授に波長の異なるLED照射システムを用いて見いだされた植物の環境応答機構や作物学的特性の制御機構に関する知見について発表いただきます。
日時:2018年5月16日(水) 16:30~18:00
場所:総合教育研究棟(生命系)1階 遠隔講義室(生命系スペースC)
タイトル:Light spectrum dependent regulation of freezing tolerance and yield quality in cereals
講師:Prof. Gabor Galiba (Centre for Agricultural Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and University of Pannonia, Hungary)
The recent break-through in LED lighting technology make it useful as lighting source in indoor plant production and the flexibility of this system allowed the development of new, adjustable light spectrum lightening devices. We have used LED illumination (1) to investigate the light-quality and temperature dependent regulation of freezing tolerance in cereals and (2) to evaluate the effects of light intensity and spectral composition on plant metabolism and nutritional quality. By lowering the red/far-red ratio in the illuminating spectra at 15°C, we were able to induce CBF gene expression and also to increase freezing tolerance in winter wheat (Cheyenne) and winter barley (Nure) genotypes. Furthermore, comparisons of different spectral compositions and light intensities revealed significant differences in growth and development, leaf photosynthesis, thiol and amino acid metabolism as well as in yield quantity and flour quality of wheat. Our results collectively demonstrated that the LED lighting technology can provide high fluency and customized wavelength for plant cultivation, and through modification of light quality LEDs make it possible to manipulate the metabolism to obtain desired traits and products.